1. HORSPFAL (1969) libretto: Alvin Greenberg
Center Opera Co. premiere-Nee & Balk
Minneapolis, Feb. 15,20,22, 1969 (Center Opera commission)
5 principal-(bar. sop. alto. ten. bass)
6 supporting-(1 coloratura, 1 sop. 2 ten, 1 high bar, 1 bar)
7 bit-(2 sop. 1 boy sop. 1 alto, 1 ten. 2 bar.)
male sextet, chorus
2(picc).0.2(sax).0.-o.2.2.1.-1 perc.-1 keybd,-strings
1 hr & 50 minutes (2 acts).

2. HAPP or ORPHEUS IN CLOVER (1977) libretto: Eric Stokes
A micro-opera, birthday celebration.
private premiere (members of Minnesota Opera Co.)
Minneapolis, 1977
2 principal-(sop. bar)
4 supporting-(2 sop. 1 alto. 2 ten. 1 bar.)
pno. or instruments with wild animal calls as used by hunters
7 minutes

3. THE JEALOUS CELLIST (1979) libretto: Alvin Greenberg
Minnesota Opera Co. premiere-Brunelle; Lantz; Balk
Minneapolis-St. Paul Feb. 2,3,9,10 (Minnesota Opera commission)
4 principal-(sop. mezzo. ten. bar.)
4 supporting-(sop. alto.ten. bass-bar.)
Chorus with optional community music groups - i.e. accordion ensemble,
folk singers. trumpeters, barbershop quartet, pipers, choir, band etc.
1(picc).2.1.2.- perc.-keybd.-strings
1 hr & 55 min.(2 acts)
opera p. 2

4. ITARU THE STONECUTTER (1982) libretto: Eric Stokes
opera for children &/or adults with narration, song and instruments.
Brimhall School premiere-Nyberg
Roseville, March 25, 1982 (Brimhall School commission
6 principal-(sop{boys-girls}. 1 bit; chorus of knights, ladies, rocks,
flowers, grasses, birds, storm & flood.
Orff instruments, perc. recorders, dulcimers, autoharps, optional others
40 minutes (1 act)

5. WE'RE NOT ROBOTS, YOU KNOW (1986) libretto: Keith Gunderson
Musical in 9 scenes
5 principal-sop; mezzo; ten; bar; lyric bar;
Supporting: at least 1 high voice- preferably a quintet matching the
orch. of 8 or 9 players depending on doubling of mandolin & dulcimer-
fl(picc); cl(bass); keybds; harp; mandolin(hammar dulcimer);
perc; vln; vc.
55 minutes

6. APOLLONIA'S CIRCUS (1994) libretto: Alvin Greenberg
University of Minnesota Opera premiere-Zinman;Sutton
Ted Mann theatre, Minneapolis May 13-15, 1994
University of Minnesota commission
7 principal-tenor; lyric sop. 2 dramatic bar; mezzo; coloratura sop; alto
4 supporting-2 ten; lyric sop; bar
5 bit-ten; mezzo; 3 bar;
chorus; mutes;1 ballet dancer; mens' voices 3 perc.-1 timp. strings
2 hours (3 acts-one intermission=acts II & III without interruption)

For information on how to obtain the original musical scores and parts please go to: Scores